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25 December, 2010

It's Chrismast Party Time!

Aloha Gurls and Boys!!

Finally,we met again after loonggg period.. hahaha. Now, I'll tell u the story of my X'mas time. It was awesome, gorgeous and full of romantic dinner. The X'mas party was held on 21th-22th of December. Is not X'mas yet coz we get to excited to began with. We use my Best friend's house.. Sally Chuei for this party. We're very busy for preparing this party. We shop for the food, bake for cake and cookies and even having our own dress code and pajamas party.

Here is the list of our plan from the start..
1. Shopping for groceries and every little thing that we need
2. Preparing all the food and cookies and cupcake also.
3. Preparing the fondant color and icing for decoration
4. Cooking time
5. Preparing the BBQ time
6. Preparing the table for dinner
7. Preparing our x'mas present
8. Preparing the dessert
9. Preparing the Pajamas party
8. Preparing for Karaoke time!!

hoho.. its not a long list if u read it, but for us, it was loongg and tired time to start. We just have so little time and to many quest to do. Wow!! Such a long road..1st time we arrived, 3 of my friend-Jul, Stella, and Sally-already start to make the chicken.. We make a Roast Chicken With Love. The recipe.. I need to ask Juliana and Stella first.. so be patient okay. Haha.. The roast chicken is not complete yet without extra vegetable and mashed potato, so they start to make it too. Do you still need the recipe of the mashed potato? Well.. this is the HomeMade Mashed Potato Recipe that I used. It was delicious and perfect for making at home. Don't worry.. U wont fail. I promised. hehehe.

This is the picture when my Crazy friend are starting to make all the food preparation.. 

 Well. Her name Is Juliana. She starting to go crazy and even wanna eat the fresh steak meat. Oh poor girl. Hahaha!! ( Peace Jul)

Owww... our little sexy chicken Butt!! This is our beloved chicken before it got cut out ( kidding lol). Such a nice view isn't it? haha.

This is our cupcake before decorating time.. I used red and green cupcake case for it. Look nice is it? Haha.. 

This is our Sugar Cookie before decorating. We used to have an X'mas cookie cutter for that. Cute huh? 

This is Our Cupcake box. Each one can hold 1 cupcake only.. for Special treatment. 

Rockin' BBQ party baby!! Nice and delicious we got here.. Wow.. Jul didn't eat our fresh meat.. So we still can grill it. HAHAHA..

This is our beloved cookies after being decorated by icing sugar... how lovely is that??

This one is our cupcake. Decorated with plastic icing and some of sprinkle. Don't forget to put some chocolate and strawberry jam below the plastic icing.

This is our candle light dinner party.. We put some candle around the table to make it even romantic and luxurious.. Would u like to try it too??

Did u see the food that standing on the table?? It's all done and we're ready to eat. Looks delicious isn't it? It was the best party ever..

This is our party member.. Starting from the left to right: Stella, Brenda, Juliana, Sally, Selvi, and me!!

Ah... We are also having an exchange present time. We buy all the present by our self and then just put some nice decoration on it. When the time comes, we exchanged it by putting the number on a paper. It was fun and we're all having nice present from our beloved friends. But i guess there are 2 or more same present on it. hahaha.. 

Well.. that's how it looks like when we're thrown our own X'mas party.. But it is not all. We're having pajamas party also @ nite. The theme is "X'mas Pajamas Party". All of us almost wearing pink, white and red pajamas. Don't forget to put some roll on hair and use all the dolls. It was nice, but cause i'm getting sick, I can't attend all the photo session. But i give u some nice photo where I'm also included in it. Here we goo....


Sally's room was decorated like princess room.. So well yeah.. it was nice to have picture in it. Beside Sally always think that she is princess. Hahaha... No comment at all LOL

Our last day, we're having some Karaoke Session. We prepared some of beer, Smirnoff and soda. Don't forget to make some deep fried potato for the snack and Pilus.. hahaha. Traditional food but worked so much. Here we go the photo shot...


Did u see that we r not focusing on our karaoke but focusing on eating lol.. Such a great time.. We sing all along and the voice is incredibly bad. Except mine ( hahaha.. no offense).

That's it. Hope that u all enjoying this X'mas Session with me.. I dedicate this post to all my best friend.. I love u all so much.. Thanx for ur care and love around this 2010. I will say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010. 

10 December, 2010

Macaroni Schotel for X'mas Party Menu

HOHO...aloha everybody... Christmast is near... about 15 days to go.. What do u want to make for Christmast Party? Any Idea??
Let me give u some idea. I had made some easy inspiration food for u.

Today's Special Menu "MACARONI SCHOTEL"
It's easy, simple, and delicious. No,no,no.. it wasn't just delicious. It was AWESOME!! You will love this food  more than u can imagine.

What u gonna need is
- nice kitchen
- utensil
- Ingredients ready

With that 3 things, u can make this food easily without wasting time. I already tried these recipe that I took from some blog and mixed it together. So here we go.

For 15 portion
U will need:
 2 sdm margarin 
50 gr bawang bombay ( cincang halus )
2 siung bawang putih ( cincang kasar )
2 sdm tepung terigu
 250 gr makaroni, rebus matang
 4 btr telur ayam ( dikocok )
 600 ml susu cair
 150 gr ayam cincang ( bisa diganti apapun yang kamu suka ) rebus
100 gr wortel ( potong dadu kecil, rebus )
 pala bubuk
2 sachet royco
200 gr keju cheddar, parut (bagi secukupnya untuk
100 gr keju mozarella parut( optional )

How to make??
- Nyalakan oven, panaskan suhu 180 derajat celcius

- Panaskan margarine lalu masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay. Tumis hingga layu.

- Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga rata.

- Tuang susu lalu tambahkan lada, garam, gula, bubuk pala dan royco. Aduk terus hingga mendidih.

- Setelah mendidih, masukkan ayam cincang, wortel, sebagian keju parut dan makaroni. Masak hingga mendidih dan kental.Angkat dari api dan sisihkan

- Siapkan telur yang telah dikocok lalu masukkan ke dalam adonan makaroni yang telah matang. Aduk rata.
- Siapkan loyang makaroni panggang. Bisa juga menggunakan loyang sekali pakai. Oles terlebih dahulu dengan mentega.

- Tuang adonan kedalam loyang, taburkan sisa keju parut dan keju mozarella. Panggang dalam oven selama 35-40 menit.

- Macaroni Schotel is ready to serve!!
Happy Eating ^^

*Nb: Please leave ur comment after trying this recipe.. ENJOY .  
If u want to order this just let me know.

08 December, 2010

Vannila Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting!

Alohaa again Galz n Guys!!  HMM I love to say Aloha for my welcome statement. Hehe. Why? SO u All can be Happy all the Time like in Hawaii... ( what that supposed to mean?? hahaha).


Can u imagine? The vanilla cupcake which perform smoothness when u bite, and covered with yummy chocolate frosting with a lot of cute topping. Don't forget to put some gold paper case so it will raise it's cuteness. I can't resist that personally. Hehe..

Soo what do you think? U can order these sweet little cupcake for your own or make it an unforgettable gift for someone u love. And of course u can request for your own flavor and frosting.

For price and minimum order u can click on this link Price List.
Happy Shopping!!

06 December, 2010

Its time for FRUIT PIE!!

Aloha lagi Gals n Guys!! Welcome again to my Cake Studio. Hehe.. Its Show Time right??

Todays Hot Menu!! Well I guess it's not too Hot cause I've made it a month ago.. Just have a time to post right now. Better than Not ( membela diri critanya.. )!!

Its time to present....Jreng---Jreng..... "Fruit Pie with Vanilla filling and fruit" by occasion... or request (if available).
@3rb with minimum order 25pcs

Fruit pie ini enak banget d. Perpaduan antara pie yang crunchy, ditambah dengan vanilla sauce yang kental n manis, plus ga kalah lagi ditambah dengan perpaduan buah-buahan sesuai selera... Hmmm... Udah bisa dibayangin dunk harusnya?? Apalagi kalo makannya disajikan dingin-dingin... MAKNYOSS! Hehe...

Cocok banget kalo ada acara arisan ato ngumpul-ngumpul bareng... ato kalo mau jualan di kampus... hehe...
So ditunggu yang orderannya...

 Fyi: Smua kue dari Cake Studio TANPA BAHAN PENGAWET... So ga bisa tahan terlalu lama seperti layaknya cake di pasaran. But it's important to stay Healthy right??

New For X'Mas ! Cake Truffles

Aloha Guys n Gals.. Ini postingan pertama daku disini ya.. Yah kalo ga gitu enak dilihat n dibaca, harap dimaklumi ya... hehe..
Untuk bulan Desember ini temanya Colorful X'mas okay.. Bosen dunk liat X'mas identik ama warna ijo n merah doank. Sekali-kali kan pingin liat yang warna-warni dunk.. hehe. This is my NEW PRODUCT! "Cake Truffles". Dengan isi 12pcs each box @ 25rb sajaa...

What is Cake Truffles?? First impression? Emank perlu. Tapi pasti pada bingung kenapa kok truffles bisa dibuat dari cake... ato mungkin baru pada denger kali ya? Truffle is originally made from whipping cream and mixed it with chocolate until cool and firm. Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir pasti cepet banget eneg kalo makan kebanyakan ( secara daku suka makan gt loo). Akhirnya terjadilah inovasi baru. Hehe.. Truffle tapi yang terbuat dari cake.

Pilihan Topping bisa macem-macem. All based from cake dengan frosting yang dicelup dalam coklat.. Hmm.. ditaburin sprinkles yang lucu2, ditambah lagi penyajiannya dengan kotak n pita yang lucu. hehe.. Nyam-nyam.. Kayaknya asik banget ni ya? hehe... So Grab it fast while u can..